The expert advice

External maintenance for the winter

19 September 2023

With the arrival of September, the transition from summer to winter is almost upon us. This is the perfect time to spend some time cleaning and maintaining your house’s exterior. During the year, natural elements such as rain, wind and cold can leave their mark on stone and wood materials, but with a little attention and with the right products, you can preserve their beauty and durability.

The Importance of External Maintenance for Winter

External maintenance before winter may seem a daunting task, but is a fundamental practice to ensure the durability and beauty of the stone materials and wood that make up the external spaces of your house. That’s why it’s so important:

1. Material preservation: Exteriors, such as floors, terraces and garden furniture, represent a significant investment. Regular maintenance helps protect this investment, extending its service life and preventing costly damage or replacement in the future.

2. Appearance and Functionality: The beauty of external spaces is an essential aspect for any house. Maintenance keeps them beautiful and cozy, helping to create a pleasant environment for you, your family and guests. In addition, the functionality of external spaces, such as the safety of floors, is essential to avoid accidents.

3. Time and Resource Savings: Regular maintenance is much more efficient than repairing serious damage. Taking small interventions now will save you time and money in the future. In addition, avoiding degradation means less work when spring comes.

4. Weather Protection: During winter, weather conditions such as rain, frost and snow can seriously damage external materials. Maintenance protects them from these elements, preventing damage such as cracks, discoloration and rot.

5. Environmental Sustainability: Keeping external materials in good condition reduces the need to replace and dispose of damaged materials, contributing to environmental sustainability.

How to Clean External Stone Floors

Stone materials, such as cotto and stone, are often used for flooring and external terraces. In order to protect them from winter and keep them in good condition, it is essential to carry out a proper routine maintenance of the floors treated with the Marbec systems. Marbec products are valuable allies in this process.

Let’s now see in detail the various steps to follow to clean a very dirty stone floor.

1.Light Cleaning: Start by removing the limescale incrustations formed during the year using DELICACID. This gentle cleanser is effective in removing limescale stains without damaging the surface.


Specific buffered acid detergent to remove cement grouts, efflorescence and limestone incrustations on stones, ceramic materials and stone materials in general.

2.Degreasing: Then degrease the surface with ECOMARBEC to remove dirt and grease residues.


Detergent for the ordinary and/or extraordinary cleaning of all floors. It cleans and degreases surfaces and does not attack materials. Biodegradable, does not contain perfumes and hypoallergenic.

3.Return a Coat: Finally, to protect the treatment, apply a layer of PAV05. This product helps to maintain the beauty of the stone material and protect it from winter weather and the bottom treatment with water repellent.


Protective anti-dirty, anti-degradation, weatherproof and resistant to atmospheric agents and foot traffic wax for cotto, stones and terrazzo.

This maintenance process is essential to ensure that your cotto, travertine and concrete floors remain beautiful and durable throughout the winter, preserving them from weathering degradation.

Cleaning and Maintenance of the Wooden Floor

If you have floors or external wooden surfaces already treated with Marbec products, it is important to take care of them to avoid damage due to winter. The maintenance of the wood can vary according to its current condition.

1. Cleaning: Start with cleaning using the DETERCLEAN product and a WHITE BUFFER. This will remove the accumulated dirt and leave the wood clean and fresh.



Detergent for ordinary and/or extraordinary cleaning of wooden surfaces. Cleans and degreases without damaging the materials. Biodegradable, does not contain perfumes and hypoallergenic.


The WHITE BUFFER is without abrasives, suitable for cleaning and polishing surfaces.

2. Rinsing: Be sure to rinse the wood thoroughly to remove any remaining detergent.

3. Oil Application: If the wood is very dry, apply a layer of oil such as FLUOIL or OLIO41 to nourish the wood and restore its protection.


Oil-waxy impregnation specific for vertical surfaces, windows, doors, garden furniture and external wooden structures in general. It counteracts aging and graying, enhancing the natural characteristics without creating films.


Oleo-waxy impregnation specific for decking and external wooden floors. It counteracts aging and graying, enhancing the natural characteristics without creating films.

4.Finishing: Finally, finish off the treatment with BARRIER, which helps preserve the wood and impregnation during the winter.

Cera per legno BARRIER | MARBEC


Finishing wax for external wood. It protects against U.V. rays and atmospheric agents and increases the water-repellent and stain-resistant resistance of treated materials impregnating with oil and not.

Importance of Maintenance for External Floors

You may wonder why you should devote time to this maintenance. The answer is simple: regular maintenance of the exterior allows you to avoid the degradation caused by winter weather and to preserve the beauty of your materials. Also, by performing these operations now, you will reduce the work to do when spring arrives, preventing the exteriors from completely degrading.

So, external maintenance before winter is an investment that pays off in many ways. It allows you to enjoy cozy and beautiful external spaces, protects your investment, reduces long-term costs and contributes to safety and sustainability. So, take care of your exterior now with Marbec products, and you’ll be rewarded with external spaces that stand the test of time and remain a point of pride for your house.

Discover the products of the article
  • 7.84€


    Specific buffered acid detergent to remove cement grouts, efflorescence and limestone incrustations on stones, ceramic materials and stone materials in general.

  • 9.06€


    Detergent for the ordinary and/or extraordinary cleaning of all floors. It cleans, degreases and sanitizes surfaces and does not attack materials. Biodegradable, does not contain perfumes and hypoallergenic.

  • 15.80€


    Protective finishing anti-dirt, anti-degradation wax resistant to atmospheric agents and trampling for cotto, stones and terrazo.

  • 8.08€


    Detergent for ordinary and/or extraordinary cleaning of wooden surfaces. Cleans and degreases without damaging the materials. Does not contain perfumes or solvents.

  • 5.32€


    The WHITE BUFFER has no abrasive properties. It is suitable for cleaning and polishing surfaces.

  • 37.92€


    Oil-waxy impregnation specific for vertical surfaces, windows, doors, garden furniture and external wooden structures in general. It counteracts aging and graying, enhancing the natural characteristics without creating films.

  • 31.59€

    OLIO 41

    Oleo-waxy impregnator specific for decking and external wooden floors. It counteracts aging and graying, enhancing the natural characteristics without creating films.

  • 35.98€


    Finishing wax for exterior wood. Protects from U.V. and atmospheric agents and increases the water-repellent and anti-stain resistance of the treated materials impregnating with oil and not.

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