Buying guide

How to clean the external untreated cotto

27 March 2023

With the arrival of spring, the need to identify the best products for external cotto, remove stains from the atmospheric agents and revive this surface increases.

For this reason, in this space we want to show you which are the best products to carry out a treatment of external cotto ever treated, protecting it, enhancing its aesthetic characteristics and facilitating ordinary cleaning.

What products to clean the external cotto

To clean an untreated cotto floor the solution lies first of all in VIACEM, to be used with the BROWN BUFFER, able to remove limestone encrustations and efflorescence, bringing this material to assume the best possible conditions for subsequent treatment.

Once the cleaning has been carried out, in fact, you can then do three different types of anti-fog treatment of external cotto:

  • the one with tonalized effect;
  • the one with natural effect;
  • the one with wet effect.

Anti-moss treatment with tonalized effect for cotto

For this type of treatment the products to be used are TON25 and PAV05. The former forms a hydro-oleophobic chemical barrier against rising humidity and stain, while the latter drastically reduces the growth of algae on surfaces, highlighting the color of the material.

The first step is to shake TON25, then spread it on the surface and dab in the drying period to avoid dried excesses. Once dry, after a time variable between one and two hours, you can then apply (if necessary) a second coat.

The second step is instead the one that sees as the protagonist PAV05, to be distributed with a spreading fleece or a soft cloth, then leaving it to dry (it takes between 2 and 3 hours), before applying a possible second coat.

The natural effect treatment for cotto

To drastically reduce the formation of algae on the surface, efflorescence, scaling and mold, giving the external cotto surface a natural effect, we must resort, in addition to the aforementioned PAV05, also to IDROWIP and TIM.

First of all, in this case, you must apply IDROWIP, spraying it on the affected part of the cotto and redistributing it later with a cloth, to eliminate any excess in the drying phase (which lasts between 4 and 8 hours).

If it is a handmade cotto, then apply a second coat, or go to the second step using TIM, the protective for water-repellent and stain-resistant treatment, and then conclude with PAV05, to be distributed with the aid of a spreading fleece or a soft cloth, waiting for its rapid drying that takes place in about 2-3 hours.

What products to use for wet effect treatment for cotto

Finally, if we want to make an anti-moss wet effect treatment to our cotto floor, the products to use are IDROWIP, following the indications already mentioned above, and the oil-waxy impregnation WET OUT.

The latter should be evenly distributed on the cotto surface with a brush, a rag or a spreading fleece, removing after about 30-60 minutes the excess and waiting about 8-12 hours for it to dry.

After dry polishing the surface with a cloth, a second coat is applied and the complete drying is expected after a day or two, polishing the floor as before.

Thanks to the right products to clean the external cotto the result is guaranteed!

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