Do it yourself

What to do if lemongrass candle wax stains the floor?

16 June 2021

With the first heat and the desire to spend evenings outdoors, on the terrace or in the garden, candles, and in particular citronella candles, are always welcome to create the right atmosphere and keep mosquitoes away.

The “do it yourself” solution to remove lemongrass from the floor

We do not know to what extent the natural lemongrass scent is able to scare away the flying insects that return promptly in the hot season; but surely the delicate light of the candles and their particular smell are inextricably linked to the summer, to relaxing evenings and to those in company and, for this reason, we like them a lot beyond their effectiveness.

But what to do if we accidentally drop a candle to the ground, staining the floor with wax?

This is an annoying accident that can be easily remedied by following a few simple steps and of course using the right products.

Let’s see below how to remove the wax of the lemongrass candle from the floor, bringing it back to its original state in a short time. As if nothing had happened.

What to do when lemongrass falls on the floor

Solvosill, the solvent to remove wax stains from the floor

The absolute protagonist of this intervention is SOLVOSILL, a stain remover that allows, among other things, to remove wax from stone materials.

Other features are the rapid and powerful action, able to make stains disappear, the fact that it does not leave halos on the floors on which it is used and, thanks to the special microporous thickening material, an action that can be effectively and easily prolonged over time.

So let’s see how to use SOLVOSILL to remove lemongrass from the floor.

 external stained travertine

How to get lemongrass off the floor

However, if the wax ends up on the floor, there is no need to worry, the “do it yourself” solution is simple, fast and at your fingertips.

Given that there are natural methods, different according to the surface (be it marble, cotto or wood), to remove the wax, we have tested the formula we propose on handmade cotto and on a self-made concrete tile. blocker. First of all, therefore, you must remove, with a spatula or a scraper, the excess wax present on the surface, while to eliminate the one that has penetrated into the pores of the material the advice is to heat and melt the wax itself, then removing it with blotting paper.

At this point, the surface on which the stains caused by the wax are present must be heated again, and then proceed with the application of SOLVOSILL (a compress with a layer of at least 3-5 mm, to be covered with a plastic sheet to slow down the evaporation).

Once the pack has dried, you can then remove it and rinse the affected area with neutral detergent solutions, such as DELICACID or UNIPUL, diluted in water.

An operation that may need to be repeated if you are dealing with particularly porous or rough surfaces, but with the final result of always returning the floor to its original state.

Turning the stain, caused by the wax of the lemongrass candle, only into a bad memory.

Want to know how to remove wax from a specific type of material?

Read How to quickly remove wax from the floor?

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