5 things to know

How to clean wooden furniture outside

18 June 2024

With the temperatures rising and especially with the beautiful days that are becoming increasingly frequent, relax in your own garden is ideal.

A space to live and decorate to make it a real extension of the house, in which often there is no lack of furniture, maybe wooden. The wooden outdoor furniture, in fact, add a touch of elegance and naturalness to external spaces. However, the cleaning of wood from outside is rather particular and complex, being a delicate material and sensitive to biological and atmospheric deterioration.

In addition, improper maintenance often contributes to its worsening: cleaning the external wood requires attention and care. In this article we will explore the main causes related to the deterioration of wooden furniture and the best strategies for their cleaning.

products for cleaning wooden furniture

Factors that damage external wood

Wood is a plant material that, thanks to the new “green” awareness, is regaining considerable importance, after being replaced over the years by brick and cement in the construction of buildings. Being a material highly used in extrnal furniture, it is subject to multiple factors of deterioration: from the human factor to the biological and atmospheric one.

Let’s see them specifically.

Human factor

Among the first causes that lead to the deterioration of one’s wooden furniture, there is certainly one that concerns us directly and is the human factor.

Subjecting the wooden furniture to continuous repairs and maintenance, using unsuitable products or following wrong procedures, is the right method to ruin them and end up with the surrounding furniture in poor condition.


To this human factor are added those indirectly caused by man: smog, water or sunlight. The latter, in fact, acts on the surface of the wooden furniture and affects its color, fabric or paper components (if any), veneers, inlays and painting.

Whether it is a more direct and intense light or vice versa of rays hitting the surface of the wooden furniture indirectly, side effects are inevitable and include severe discoloration or darkening processes.

Air contamination

Another factor that leads to the deterioration of the wood is the contamination of the air, polluted in turn by sulphurous products typical of combustion of petrol engines. These factors are in fact contraindicated for furniture and wood complements and perform a deterioration action that does not save even paper, fabric and paints.

Ambient temperature and humidity

Two other reasons (but which we can combine into a single factor) that affect wooden furniture are the temperature and humidity of the environment. When the moisture level rises, the wood absorbs it and we are faced with a plastic expansion and deformation of the latter, while otherwise there is a contraction and a creation of cracks on the surface.

Biological degradation

A final component, which is also linked to environmental humidity, is biological degradation, which is a process of natural deterioration favored by non-optimal environmental conditions. Biological degradation is a wedding invitation for insects, mold, fungi and algae that attack wood in search of nourishment, degrading.

Using the right products and following the correct procedures, as well as not subjecting wooden furniture to “climatic stress” situations, are the right ingredients to keep them in the best conditions. But if algae, lichen and moss attack the wood, what can we do? Discover how to prevent the manifestation of these elements and how to remove moss from wood by eliminating it in a natural and non-destructive way.

Preventive strategies

Below you will find some preventive strategies to facilitate the cleaning of wood from outside and slow its deterioration over time:

  • Oils (non-film-forming protections) or paints (film-forming protections): Apply oils or paints to create a protective barrier against moisture and UV rays.
  • Protective covers: Use waterproof covers to protect the wood during the weather.
  • Strategic positioning: Place the furniture in shaded areas or under canopies to reduce direct exposure to sun and rain.

How to clean wooden garden furniture with specific products

Use of SMACCHIO LEGNO in intensive cleaning

SMACCHIO LEGNO wood stain remover is ideal for cleaning and recovering grayed and blackened wooden furniture. Here’s how to use it:
  1. Make sure the wood is dry and there are no residues of old degraded treatments.
  2. Apply SMACCHIO LEGNO on the surface with a sponge, a brush or a soft cloth.
  3. Use a soft brush to remove dirt.
  4. Rinse with plenty of clean water.
  5. Allow to dry completely before further treatment.

Protective treatment for new and untreated wooden furniture

Application of HYDROIL ESTERNO

HYDROIL ESTERNO is a water-based oil-waxy impregnator, ideal for the protection of wooden furniture outside. It resists stains, dirt, trampling wear and UV rays. Let’s explain its use better:
  1. Mix well before use;
  2. The product is generally applied in two coats, it can be applied with a brush, a roller with satin hair, evenly wetting the surface of the wood;
  3. Apply a second coat as soon as the first coat is dry;
  4. It is not necessary to sand between one hand and the other, except in the case of any wood brittleness; in this case it is advisable to lightly sand the surface with abrasive paper (e.g. grit 150).
Impregnante oleoso anti-degrado in base acqua per legno esterno

Protective treatment for wooden furniture already treated with oils or paints

Application of FLUOIL

FLUOIL is an anti-degradation primer perfect for impregnating wood outdoors, protecting it from moisture and UV rays and preventing aging and graying. It restores protection and at the same time an elegant appearance to garden wood furniture already treated in periodic maintenance. To apply it is important to follow these indications:
  1. Make sure the surface is clean and dry.
  2. Apply FLUOIL with a brush following the direction of the wood grain.
  3. Allow the product to penetrate the wood for the time indicated in the instructions.
  4. After about 15-30 minutes remove the excess with a soft cloth.
  5. Allow to dry completely before using the furniture.
The application of the product must be carried out only on previously oiled woods or to regenerate paint worn by time (but still intact).

Application of BARRIER

The protective waxy finisher BARRIER offers additional protection to the external wood against atmospheric agents, increasing the water-repellent and stain-resistant resistance of the treated materials. It is a water-based wax, not dangerous and easy to use, which does not alter the natural appearance of the material and revives its color. Here’s how to apply it:
  1. After applying FLUOIL or HYDROIL ESTERNO, make sure the wood is dry.
  2. Apply a uniform layer of BARRIER with a brush or a wax spreading fleece.
  3. Allow to dry completely to create a permanent protective barrier.
Cera per legno BARRIER | MARBEC

Periodic maintenance of external wood


To keep your wooden furniture in top condition, it is essential to use the correct wooden furniture products. Here are the ones we recommend:
  • DETERCLEAN: is a biodegradable detergent for wood that does not contain perfumes and that gives the materials a fresh and natural look. Use this cleaner to remove dirt and stains periodically.
  • FLUOIL: Reapply FLUOIL every 6-12 months to protect the wood from moisture and UV rays.
  • HYDROIL ESTERNO: Reapply HYDROIL ESERNO after 2-5 years depending on exposure.

Check the state of the wooden furniture and carry out the maintenance and cleaning of external wood at least twice a year, preferably in spring and autumn, to prepare them for seasonal weather changes.

Becoming aware of the elements that cause the deterioration of external wooden furniture is therefore as important as using the right precautions (and the right products) to put them back “in shape”.

And admire them, as new, in your own garden!

The products treated in the article
  • 8.08€


    Detergent for ordinary and/or extraordinary cleaning of wooden surfaces. Cleans and degreases without damaging the materials. Does not contain perfumes or solvents.

  • 35.98€


    Finishing wax for exterior wood. Protects from U.V. and atmospheric agents and increases the water-repellent and anti-stain resistance of the treated materials impregnating with oil and not.

  • 37.92€


    Oil-waxy impregnation specific for vertical surfaces, windows, doors, garden furniture and external wooden structures in general. It counteracts aging and graying, enhancing the natural characteristics without creating films.

  • 11.05€


    Specific stain remover for the removal of the grey patina of aging of rough woods. It gives the wood a new aspect and removes stains and tannin halos, preparing the surface for the application of a new protection.

  • 29.52€


    Hybrid impregnating oil resino-wax-based water for external wood Protection water repellant hybrid is ideal for the treatment of coatings, facilities, fences, doors and windows and exterior floors in wood. Greater resistance to weather compared to traditional oils. Fast application and drying .

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