Cleaning and maintenance of outdoor wet-effect terracotta

The system of ordinary cleaning and maintenance of outdoors surfaces in terracotta ensures the preservation over time of the main protective and aesthetic characteristics of the initial treatment, without the need for recurrent remaking and demanding washings. The application of WET OUT maintenance wax gives a wet waxed effect to the terracotta surface.

Where and when


  • On all treated terracotta or clay floorings and wall coverings laid outdoors.


  • For routine cleaning of terracotta surfaces, with the product ECOMARBEC.
  • For periodic descaling cleaning, with the addition of DELICACID.
  • To give a wet-waxed effect to the terracotta surface, with WET OUT maintenance wax.
Frequency of use:
  • The product ECOMARBEC is used for routine cleaning.
  • The product DELICACID is used every 6 months, for descaling cleaning.
  • WET OUT is used 1-2 times a year, after cleaning with ECOMARBEC.

Performance and consumption


  • is a detergent that is more than 98% biodegradable;
  • is a hypoallergenic product that does not contain caustic soda, ammonia, perfumes, dyes and solvents;
  • cleans, degreases, sanitises terracotta surfaces;
  • acts by solubilising greasy substances, making them easy to remove;
  • can be used for manual and mechanical washing (e.g. scrubber driers, pressure washers).


  • is a controlled-action acid detergent with minimal environmental and toxicological impact for descaling and pickling even the most delicate materials;
  • can be used for descaling washes after laying, for removing cement encrustations and consistent and tenacious lime deposits;
  • can be used for ordinary descaling washes of surfaces subject to limescale deposits;
  • can be used for manual and mechanical washing (e.g. scrubber driers, pressure washers);
  • is effective in removing surface rust deposits;
  • does not contain hydrochloric acid;
  • does not fumigate or develop toxic vapours.


  • oil-wax impregnating agent for wet and antique effect treatment with high resistance to weathering;
  • saturates the porosity of the terracotta without leaving thick, stiff surface films and does not create peeling;
  • leaves a light, easily polishable wax layer on the material;
  • dries more quickly than fired linseed oil without creating discolouration and without altering over time;
  • the treatment is easy to maintain over time with a new application of WET OUT (e.g. once a year) without the need for costly recovery.

WET OUT can be pigmented with OILTONER pigments for customised effects.

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Step 1 di 3

Routine cleaning

Dilute 50-100cc of ECOMARBEC in 5 litres of water: for daily cleaning of all surfaces.
• Apply as a normal detergent with a microfiber cloth. With this dilution it is also possible to use scrubbing machines.

Yield: 1 lt /4-6 sqm.

Prodotti e accessori


Detergent for the ordinary and/or extraordinary cleaning of all floors. It cleans, degreases and sanitizes surfaces and does not attack materials. Biodegradable, does not contain perfumes and hypoallergenic.


Ideal for washable tops such as glass, mirrors, plastic, stainless steel, chrome, ceramic and enamel surfaces. Particularly strong, tear-resistant edge. Can be used for all environments. Measures 40x40 cm.

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Descaling cleaning of calcareous patinas

Dilute 50-100cc of DELICACID in 1 liter of water.
• Spread the product on the surface and let it act for a few minutes.
• Rub the surface with a buffer or a disc for monodisc machine, such as RED BUFFER PAD or RED DISC.
• Repeat washing if necessary.
• Always rinse with plenty of water.

Yield: 1 lt /4-6 sqm.

Prodotti e accessori


Specific buffered acid detergent to remove cement grouts, efflorescence and limestone incrustations on stones, ceramic materials and stone materials in general.


Ideal for washable tops such as glass, mirrors, plastic, stainless steel, chrome, ceramic and enamel surfaces. Particularly strong, tear-resistant edge. Can be used for all environments. Measures 40x40 cm.

RED BUFFER PAD MARBEC | Slightly Abrasive

Slightly abrasive sponge specific for the extraordinary cleaning of stone and wood surfaces.

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Step 3 di 3

Application of the maintenance wax

• Normally used pure.
• Shake well before use.
Application types:
• 1 coat: on absorbent surfaces;
• 2 coats: on very rough surfaces.
• Distribute the product with spreading fleece, soft cloth or sponge. It should be spread in a thin layer by wetting the surface homogeneously and without leaving product build-ups.
• It dries quickly, generally in 2-3 hours.
• Apply the second coat as soon as the first one is dry.
N.B. Protect freshly treated surfaces from rain for 6-8 hours after application. Do not apply on very hot or exposed to sunlight surfaces, on windy days or at temperatures below 5 ºC.

Yield: approximately with 1 lt / 8-14 sqm.

Prodotti e accessori


Oil-wax impregnating agent for the wet effect treatment of cotto surfaces and absorbent stone materials placed outside. Protects and enhances the characteristics of the material without creating surface films.


Perfect for distributing wax, even on hard-to-reach surfaces, as it can be attached to the telescopic handle.


Ideal for washable tops such as glass, mirrors, plastic, stainless steel, chrome, ceramic and enamel surfaces. Particularly strong, tear-resistant edge. Can be used for all environments. Measures 40x40 cm.


Depending on your problem, check again the steps recommended by the technician and select the right products for you! For all your needs, do not hesitate to contact us, either by e-mail or on WhatsApp.



Detergent for the ordinary and/or extraordinary cleaning of all floors. It cleans, degreases and sanitizes surfaces and does not attack materials. Biodegradable, does not contain perfumes and hypoallergenic.



Specific buffered acid detergent to remove cement grouts, efflorescence and limestone incrustations on stones, ceramic materials and stone materials in general.



Oil-wax impregnating agent for the wet effect treatment of cotto surfaces and absorbent stone materials placed outside. Protects and enhances the characteristics of the material without creating surface films.



Ideal for washable tops such as glass, mirrors, plastic, stainless steel, chrome, ceramic and enamel surfaces. Particularly strong, tear-resistant edge. Can be used for all environments. Measures 40x40 cm.



Perfect for distributing wax, even on hard-to-reach surfaces, as it can be attached to the telescopic handle.


RED BUFFER PAD MARBEC | Slightly Abrasive

Slightly abrasive sponge specific for the extraordinary cleaning of stone and wood surfaces.


RED DISC MARBEC | Not Very Abrasive

Disc for single brush or scrubber drier with slight abrasion for extraordinary cleaning of hard floors such as cotto, stone, marble, concrete, wood.

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