Film-stripping, de-waxing claning for terracotta

This stripping cleaning system is specific for the removal of old treatments made of waxes, resins, paints and even synthetic glues difficult to remove. Specific for the treatment of terracotta floors and walls.

Where and when


  • On all types of floorings or wall coverings made of clay or terracotta.


  • When you want to remove old layers of treatments made of resins or paints.
Frequency of use:
  • For a one-off cleaning for the removal of wax and films from terracotta surfaces.

Performance and consumption


  • removes resins and paints from absorbent and non-absorbent stone materials;
  • compared to conventional paint strippers it has a lower evaporation rate, a longer application time and a deeper stripping action;
  • it is easily emulsifiable when rinsed with water and can be removed with a vacuum cleaner;
  • leaves no unpleasant odour when used in rooms.


  • removes old oil and/or wax impregnation treatments and heavy greasy deposits from even delicate stone materials (e.g. polished marble, slate);
  • is ideal for carrying out strong degreasing cleaning, also removing large accumulations of greasy dirt and biological incrustations (outdoor blackening);
  • can facilitate the removal of ‘dark stains’ from sulphation on terracotta;
  • leaves no harmful residues in the absorbent material;
  • leaves no unpleasant odours during use and in the room.


  • can be used for post-installation or post-construction descaling washes, for removing efflorescence, cement encrustations, paint;
  • can be used for seasonal cleaning of outdoor terracotta floors subject to limescale build-up due to weathering;
  • compared to conventional muriatic acid, it exhales fewer corrosive fumes, has greater emulsification capacity of solid dirt and a more controlled dissolving action.
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Step 1 di 3

Film-stripping cleaning

• Spread SOLVALL on the surface and let it work for 15-30 minutes up to a maximum of 8-12 hours in the most extreme situations;
• Then rub the wet surface of SOLVALL with buffers, black discs or with tynex brushes;
• Emulsify with water and remove the residue;
• Finally complete the rinse cycle with water;
• If necessary repeat the application.
• 1lt / 4-15 sqm.

Prodotti e accessori


Removable, slow-evaporating cleaner specifically formulated to remove resins and paints from stone materials. It does not release unpleasant odors.

BLACK BUFFER PAD MARBEC | Extra strong Abrasion

Nylon fiber pad for bottom-washing of floors with old layers of wax. High mechanical and chemical resistance, also to solvents and strong acids. Ideal for dewaxing operations.

BLACK DISC MARBEC | Extra Strong Abrasion

Nylon fibre disc for washing flooring with old bottom layers of wax. High mechanical and chemical resistance. Also resists solvents and strong acids.

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Step 2 di 3

Strong de-waxing cleaning

• Spread the product on the surface and let it act for at least 10-20 minutes;
• Rub the surface with plastic fibre pads or discs or with nylon brushes;
• Under difficult to remove treatment conditions, the (pure) product can be processed and left to dry on the surface for up to 12 hours, to increase the de-erasing force;
• Repeat washing if necessary;
• For other more delicate materials (e.g. marble and polished grits, slate) rinse only with plenty of water.
• 1 lt / 10-15 sqm.

Prodotti e accessori


Wax remover for removing old oil and/or wax treatments from stone materials in cotto, stone, marble, concrete, and grit. It cleans and deeply degreases surfaces soiled with oils, greases, and biological encrustations.

BLACK BUFFER PAD MARBEC | Extra strong Abrasion

Nylon fiber pad for bottom-washing of floors with old layers of wax. High mechanical and chemical resistance, also to solvents and strong acids. Ideal for dewaxing operations.

BLACK BUFFER PAD MARBEC | Extra strong Abrasion

Nylon fiber pad for bottom-washing of floors with old layers of wax. High mechanical and chemical resistance, also to solvents and strong acids. Ideal for dewaxing operations.


Suitable for single-brush machines and floor scrubbers.

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Step 3 di 3

Neutralizing wash

• Spread the product on the surface and let it act, if possible, for a few minutes;
• Rub the surface with brown plastic fiber pads or discs or nylon brushes, tynex until dirt is removed;
• Repeat washing if necessary;
• Always rinse with plenty of water.

• 1 lt / 8-12 sqm.

Prodotti e accessori


Specific strong buffered acid detergent to remove cement grouts, efflorescence and limestone encrustations on cotto and terracotta.

BLACK BUFFER PAD MARBEC | Extra strong Abrasion

Nylon fiber pad for bottom-washing of floors with old layers of wax. High mechanical and chemical resistance, also to solvents and strong acids. Ideal for dewaxing operations.

BLACK DISC MARBEC | Extra Strong Abrasion

Nylon fibre disc for washing flooring with old bottom layers of wax. High mechanical and chemical resistance. Also resists solvents and strong acids.


Depending on your problem, check again the steps recommended by the technician and select the right products for you! For all your needs, do not hesitate to contact us, either by e-mail or on WhatsApp.



Removable, slow-evaporating cleaner specifically formulated to remove resins and paints from stone materials. It does not release unpleasant odors.



Wax remover for removing old oil and/or wax treatments from stone materials in cotto, stone, marble, concrete, and grit. It cleans and deeply degreases surfaces soiled with oils, greases, and biological encrustations.



Specific strong buffered acid detergent to remove cement grouts, efflorescence and limestone encrustations on cotto and terracotta.


BLACK DISC MARBEC | Extra Strong Abrasion

Nylon fibre disc for washing flooring with old bottom layers of wax. High mechanical and chemical resistance. Also resists solvents and strong acids.


BLACK BUFFER PAD MARBEC | Extra strong Abrasion

Nylon fiber pad for bottom-washing of floors with old layers of wax. High mechanical and chemical resistance, also to solvents and strong acids. Ideal for dewaxing operations.



Suitable for single-brush machines and floor scrubbers.

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