We return to talk about the Orsini Castle in Rivalta di Torino to tell you about the second part of the pi in the month of September. If you missed it here is the first part of the internal and external treatment on terra cotta. Remember that the treatment was run from the Point Service, company of Chianciano Terme specializes in the treatment of terracotta tiles and natural stone. In the first part of the meeting we had left the Point Service struggling with terracotta floors outside and inside of the Castle of Rivalta. In this article we will discuss instead of bath treatment black slate floors of the Castle. The black slate often used as covering material for the ease with which it can be reduced. As we shall see, for, the black slate has some problems as it degrades very easily, especially in areas such as the bathroom. How to treat the slate indeed one of the most interesting topics for those involved in cleaning. The slate cleaning requires the use of suitable products or risk ruin it. The products to clean the slate must have certain characteristics, because the slate a very delicate stone, and, using the wrong products, risks making the situation worse. This advice is especially true when the black slate in the bathroom, where you have to do a great deal of attention when cleaning the toilet, because you could stain the slate with descaler. Indeed, the use of common descaler had ruined and made opaque slate surface Rivalta Castle bath. For the treatment of natural stone Marbec has created a line of neutral detergent, ideal for cleaning the slate: for this reason, the Verge Service is entrusted to our products and soon you will see that she made the right choice! But look more closely at how the intervention was conducted. First of all, we speak of slate, so you understand why to clean well done you have to use the right products.
Black Italian slate, Blackboard, whiteboard
Have you ever wondered why the Blackboard that you use at school is called so? The reason is simple: theItalian slate has always extracted in the area of Lavagna, Liguria. Slate’s success as building stone due to its features. This stone in fact easily reducible into slabs. For this reason always used in architecture as covering material. But what are these features? From the geological point of view the slate a Marl, what a rock which formed following the build up of a very fine mud so many millions of years ago. For this slate a very Compact, fine grain, and easily divisible in slabs. Slate presents some problems. Its dark grey tends to lighten naturally after extraction. Also the limestone and the use of detergents tend to lighten it further and to create a nasty white film. This was the problem identified by the Service Point in black slate bathrooms of the Castle. The first phase involved the cleaning of the slate. Then ran the oil treatment to protect the black slate against stains and dirt. Here’s how it was on Slate floor before treatment:
How to clean black slate from limestone
As a first step was necessary to clean the slate tiles and remove the scale. As we said a detergent too much acid would spoil further tiles. Indeed, here is an Council: onblack slate avoid using common descaler. You should instead use a neutral detergent, which respects the stone. The product that serves UNIPUL neutral cleaner cleaner Marbec. The attendants have used Unipul to descale the black slate of the bathroom. Once the floor clean and free from limestone, you switch to Polish!
How to Polish black slate
Now we come to the treatment with oil of black slate. The slate indeed should be treated with a special oil to protect it from stains and dirt. This treatment is very important especially in an environment like the bathroom where, where splashing water, SOAP and organics can easily stain the slate tiles. The Service Point used OIL WET, a toner to protective wet look. OIL WET concentrated and must be diluted with a product like DILUOIL. For the black slate, Point Service technicians have diluted the product at 70%. OIL WET d to slate a nice wet look. For this perfect for polishing black Italian slate. But how does OIL WET? The product saturates the porosity of stone, preventing it from absorbing dirt. See the result: the slate floor returned to be shiny and matte patina trace there pi. As you can see, Polish the black slate with oil a simple process when using the right products. For those who missed it, here is the summary of treatment:
Summary sheet
Type of intervention
Treatment and cleaning floors inside. Treatment and cleaning floors outside. Treatment and cleaning bathroom floor Italian black slate
The company that performed the surgery
Point Service of Raj Cann and Paul Isidori via San Michele 23/25 -53042 Chianciano Terme (Si) Tel: 0578 30475 Website: www.puntoservice.info email:info@punto-service.info

The article explains how the company Emila & Pippo restored a damaged Carrara marble countertop using Marbec products, specifically SGRISER and the KIT RECUPERA MARMO, to clean and re-polish the surface, bringing it back to its original shine.

Terrazzo floors, once magnificent, can lose their original charm over the years. Daily wear and tear make them dull, dirty, and lacking the signature mirror-like shine they once had.